Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Beaglebone Black with 128x64 OLED

I compiled my I2C OLED library on my beaglebone black and with little effort, I was able to get it working. My BBB is running Ubuntu instead of Angstrom (instructions to get that flashed are in a previous post). This code was the same one running on the raspberry pi in my prior posts.

Steps taken were:
  1. Download code from github
  2. run make
  3. run the compiled executable
The I2C class was defaulted to use the address of the OLED so I didn't need to change anything. :)

Here are some images of displaying a BMP on the OLED.


  1. Which library did you use? ArduiPi_SSD1306? Were you able to do a straight 'make' & 'make install' or were changed needed? Is there a reason this would only work under ubuntu? I don't personally care for Angstrom.

    1. uhclem, i actually wrote my own library for the SSD1306 controller. i did not use the ArduiPi_SSD1306 so i am not sure about your questions. i too, also didn't care for Angstrom so i flashed mine with ubuntu.

  2. Will you be publishing your library?

  3. http://pauhanafun.blogspot.com/2014/02/i2c-library-for-bbb-and-pi.html

  4. Are there any plans to do a Python library for the OLED?

    1. i wasn't planning to do a python library, but i believe adafruit already has one that might be of use to you. either way, you can just compile the code from the link above and add the python hooks if you decide to use my library.
